Saturday, November 30, 2013

The mystery Zero-Eye-Contact girl

She is beautiful. When she walks by my aisle, swaying her hips in that confident, rhythmic gait, there is nowhere else for my eyes to look but at that sexy waistline. I'm talking about a petite girl in my office. She must be in her early 20's, with tiny but very shapely breasts. But it is that narrow waist-line and beautiful hips that really catch my attention.

But this girl is a mystery. I have seen and talked to her since more than a year. We have many common friends, that ensures that we often sit together at coffee. She is easy to break into a conversation with. Often, I find her to be the one who wants to start up a conversation with me. She merrily laughs at my jokes. But that's when we are in a group. When we bump into each other, she never makes an eye contact with me, even when I pass right besides her. It is impossible not to have noticed me. By now, this has happened so many times that I am certain that she does this deliberately. But then, I wonder how is it possible to avoid eye contact with a particular person without noticing him or her. Every time I see her, I try to figure out if she made a fleeting eye contact during which she noticed me and then moved her gaze away from me. But so far, have never caught that fleeting eye-contact.

Is she demure? Yes, most certainly she is. So frustrated that I am at being ignored by this young lass, that I have tried to notice if she has the same body language with all the other guys in office. In this I feel relieved. I'm not the only one who gets cold shoulders from her. She is the same with all the men. The only time she is in the company of boys is when she has at least one female companion. At other times, she is only with her female friends. As for that zero-eye-contact, I have noticed her do the same with other guys too. It is not as if she completely ignores me. There are those embarrassing times when there is nowhere for her to escape - like when in the same lift standing next to me, when she would give a nervous smile with a "Hi".

Does she have a special someone who is so good that she does not want to look around? I doubt it. Her FB friends are mostly girls. The only guys seem to be her relatives (can make out from their last names)

Is she disinterested in guys? I hope not. It would be pretty unfortunate for us men if such a marvelous piece of art is left for girl-girl thing! She is from a small town and probably has had a conservative upbringing and hence her mysterious body language.

Is she interested in me? That beats me. Every time I see her, she seems to be making deliberate attempts to not give out any signs than can be read as some kind of a preening gesture. Does that conscious attempt itself mean she has some secret crush on me? That could be wishful thinking. But boy, has she got me crazy for her?! It is this very elusive nature besides that lovely walk that has made me go bonkers for her

I wish she opens up a bit and stops being the kind of mystery she is. I wish she gives out some signs. One freaking sign - maybe a twinkle in her eye for that fraction of a second that she looks at me and a slight smile on her face and the next thing I want to do is take her to bed with me!

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